Saturday, December 28, 2019

Air Force Inspector General (IG) Complaints Program

Air Force Inspector General (IG) Complaints ProgramAir Force Inspector General (IG) Complaints ProgramThe Air Force IG Complaints Program is a leadership tool that indicates where command involvement is needed to correct systematic, programmatic, or procedural weaknesses and to ensure resources are used effectively and efficiently resolves problems affecting the Air Force mission promptly and objectively creates an atmosphere of trust in which issues can be objectively and fully resolved without retaliation or fear of reprisal and assists commanders in instilling confidence in Air Force leadership. The primary charge of the IG is to sustain a credible Air Force IG system by ensuring the existence of responsive complaint investigations, and FWA programs characterized by objectivity, integrity, and impartiality. Only the IG may investigate allegations of reprisal under the Military Whistleblowers Protection Act. The IG ensures the concerns of Air Force active-duty, Reserve, and Guard m embers, civilian employees, family members, retirees, and the best interests of the Air Force are addressed through objective factfinding. Installation IG Program The concept of separate, full-time installation IGs was implemented to remove any perceived conflict of interest, lack of independence, or apprehension by Air Force personnel. This came as a result of the previous practice of assigning thechain of command and IG roles to the same official. The installation IG is organized as a staff function reporting directly to the installation commander. IG Role IGs are the eyes and ears of the commander. They keep the commander informed of potential areas of concern as reflected by trends they function as the factfinder and honest broker in the beschluss of complaints they educate and train commanders and members of the base population on their rights and responsibilities in regard to the Air Force IG system and they help commanders prevent, detect, and correct FWA and mismanag ement. Personal complaints and FWA disclosures help commanders discover and correct problems that affect the productivity and morale of assigned personnel. Resolving the underlying cause of a complaint may prevent more severe symptoms or costly consequences, such as reduced performance, accidents, poor quality work, poor morale, or loss of resources. Even though allegations may bedrngnis be substantiated, the evidence or investigation findings may reveal systemic morale issues or other problems that impede efficiency and mission effectiveness. Investigations Not Covered and Complaints Not Appropriate Administrative inquiries or investigations governed by other policy directives and instructions are elend covered under the IG complaint program. These inquiries and investigations include commander-directed inquiries and investigations, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) or security forces investigationsand investigations of civilian employees who have specific appe al rights under law or labor union agreements. Investigations under the authority of the UCMJ or the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), line of duty or report of survey investigations, quality assurance in the Air Force Medical Service Boards, Air Force mishap or safety investigations, and medical incident investigations are also not covered under the IG complaint program. Additionally, the IG complaint program may not be used for matters normally addressed through other established grievance or appeal channels unless there is evidence that these channels mishandled the matter or process. If a policy directive or instruction provides a specific means of redress or appeals to a grievance, complainants must exhaust these means before filing an IG complaint. Complainants must provide some relevant evidence that the process was mishandled or handled prejudicially before IG channels will process a complaint of mishandling. Dissatisfaction or disagreement with the outcome or findings of an alternative grievance or appeal process is not a sufficient basis to warrant IG investigation. Examples of Complaints Not Covered and the Governing System/Directive Changes to a Publication (AFI 33-360, Vol 1)Civilian Complaints (Civilian grievance channels)Complaints of Wrongs under Article 138, UCMJ (AFI 51-904)Enlisted Administrative Separations (AFI 36-3208)Equal Opportunity in Off-base Housing (AFPD 32-60)Landlord or Tenant Disputes (AFI 32-6001)Medical Treatment (MAJCOM SG)Military Equal Opportunity and Treatment Issues (discrimination based on race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, or disability) (AFI 36-2706)Punishment under UCMJ (AFI 51-201) Suggestions (AFI 38-401)Support of Dependents and Private Indebtedness (AFI 36-2906) Filing an IG Complaint Air Force military members and civilian employees have a duty to promptly report FWA or gross mismanagement a violation of law, policy, procedures, or regulations an injustice abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct and a deficiency or like condition, to an appropriate supervisor or commander, to an IG or other appropriate inspector, or through an established grievance channel. Complainants should attempt to resolve the issues at the lowest possible level using command channels before addressing them to a higher level or the IG. The immediate supervisory command chain can often resolve complaints more quickly and effectively than a higher level not familiar with the situation. Use the IG system when referral to the command chain would be futile, or there is fear of reprisal. How To File an IG Complaint If you believe you are unable to resolve your complaint in command channels, review the above to determine if the complaint should be filed with the IG. You may file a complaint if you reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred or a violation of law, policy, procedureor regulation has been committed.Complete the personnel data information on AF fasson 102 (t yped or printed legibly) (the preferred format for submitting complaints), so it may easily be reproduced.Briefly, outline the fact and relevant background information related to the issue or complaint on AF Form 102. List the allegations of wrongdoing BRIEFLY (in general terms) and provide supporting narrative detail and documents later when interviewed. Write the allegations as bullets that answer who committed the violation what violation was committed what law, policy, procedure, or regulation was violated and when the violation occurred.Submit the completed AF Form 102 to any Air Force IG and set up a follow-on meeting to discuss the complaint.If the IG is named in the complaint, contact the next higher level IG. Complainants Rights Complainants have the right to File an IG complaint at any level without notifying or following the chain of commandFile a complaint with an IG without fear of reprisalRequest withdrawal of their complaint in writing however, IGs may still look into the allegations at their discretionRequest the next higher level IG review their case within 90 days of receiving the IG response. Specific reasons must be given as to why the complainant believes the original investigation was not valid or adequate simply disagreeing with the findings is not sufficient for additional IG review. Request express confidentiality if they fear reprisalSubmit complaints anonymously Complainants Responsibilities Complainants must file within 60 days of learning of the alleged wrong. IG complaints not reported within 60 days may seriously impede the gathering of evidence and testimony. The IG may dismiss a complaint if, given the nature of the alleged wrong and the passage of time, there is areasonable probability that insufficient information can be gathered to make a determination, or no special Air Force interests exist to justify investigating the matter. Complainants must cooperate with investigators by providing factual and relevant informa tion regarding the issues. Complainants must understand that they are submitting official statements therefore, they remain subject to punitive action for knowingly making false statements and submitting other unlawful communications. Confidentiality Policy The IG makes every effort to protect the identity of complainants from anyone outside IG channels. IGs may release the name of a complainant only on an official need-to-know basis. Investigating officers do not divulge a complainants name to a subject or witness or permit the complainant to read the complaint without the IGs or appointing authoritys written permission. Above information derived from AFPAM36-2241V1

Monday, December 23, 2019

9 Articles to Read if Youre New to Your Job - The Muse

9 Articles to Read if Youre New to Your Job - The Muse9 Articles to Read if Youre New to Your JobBeing the newbie at work is always rough, despite it being something we all go through again and again throughout our careers. On top of learning the day-to-day requirements of your new position and trying to impress your boss, you also have to navigate the intricacies of office politics and making new work friends.Its a lot. And it probably feels a little bit like a whirlwind. So before you dive back into that tornado of newness, here are nine things to read thatll help you navigate this challenging (but temporary) stage in your career. 1. Your Guide to Your First Week on the JobThe perfect way to set yourself up for success if youre about to departure that nerve-wracking first week.2. 3 Things Youre Overthinking at Your New Job (and 3 Things Youre Not Thinking About Enough)To help make sense of all of those nerves, here are a few things youre probably overthinking (and how to stop).3. A sk a Career Coach How Do I Make My Mark When Im New at Work?We all want to make a great impression (and prove that we were the right choice) in the first few weeks after starting. Our resident career coach shares how to do just that.4. 3 Basic Mistakes You Cant Blame on the Fact That Youre the New PersonMaking mistakes because youre just starting is expected. But you cant really blame these three on being the new kid in town.5. Excuse Me, Silly Question Here- But What Exactly Is a 401K?Yes, you should be thinking of your savings starting from day one of that new job And yes, youre not the only adult out there who needs this refresher.6. How to Ask for Time Off at Your New Job (the Right Way)If youre too scared to put in a vacation request for that family wedding coming up (because you just got to this job What will your boss think?), thisll help curb those worries. 7. The 6 Unwritten Company Rules You Wont Find in the Employee HandbookNo matter how comprehensive your orientation is, there are just some things you wont learn about the job and culture in a handbook.8. 5 Impressive Things All Smart People Do When They Start a New JobFind out how to use the 70/30 rule, as well as four other tricks, to establish yourself as the team all-star. 9. 4 Insane Thoughts Everyone Has When Starting a New Job (and How to Keep Your Crazy in Check)Finally, no matter how excited you are for a position, the first few days are rough. Heres what might be going through your head as you try to adjust.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

When to Follow up During the Hiring Process

When to Follow up During the Hiring ProcessWhen to Follow up During the Hiring ProcessThere are several stages of the hiring process that each require a specific time to follow up. We explain when to follow up for each stage during the hiring process. This way, you will never come across as desperate, aloof, or disrespectful during your job search.1. You just submitted an applicationWhen Wait between five and ten business days. However, if you applied through online applications you are very much at the mercy of the companys discretion. They will usually send you an auto-emaille reading, We have many job candidates and will reply to only those we are interested in.Notes This is what makes applying for jobs as a result of networking so important. You at least have a human being to contact. If you have a partie to contact keep in mind things like holidays and/or the person who referred you. Its always good to ask the referrer the best time to follow up.2. You just had a phone einstellu ngsgesprchWhen If all things went well, follow up the same day and thank them for the call. Do not worry. A thank you for your time today email is respectful and is a good chance to emphasize your interest in the company. You are also showing your written and interpersonal skills. If you do not hear back anything after the phone interview, follow up with an email asking for a status update and confirming your interest after 3 business days unless otherwise stated. Check out this template for a follow up after a phone interview.3. You just had the in-person interviewWhen Congratulations if you made it this far in the hiring process The next day, send out either an email or handwritten letter (people still appreciate this) and state your appreciation for the interview. Be sure to highlight your interest in the job and let them know you look forward to being in touch again soon.If you do not hear back after the in-person interview, follow up with an email asking for a status update and confirming your interest after 3 business days unless otherwise stated.Check out this template for a follow up after a phone interview.4. You just received theWe will let you know emailWhen You did numbers 1, 2, and 3 above. You followed up appropriately with your emails. And now you are told, we will let you know. It is not always the best feeling to get this email but it is not a rejection by any means. It is now time to be patient and continue job searching. Wait 5 business days before checking in again.Note If you are in an active job search and receive an offer for another job during that time, it is professional and reasonable to reach back out and let the employer know. Letting them know may offer you leverage for a job offer or it may make it easier for them to remove you as a possible hire. Either way, it makes your life easier.Final noteNever jump to conclusions, take things personally, or become impatient. The hiring process requires a combination of patience, profession alism, and respect for the time and efforts of others. The last thing you want to do is manifest your fears into your reality by destroying job opportunities because you feared they would never call you back.

Friday, December 13, 2019

6 Job Networking Tips for New Grads

6 Job Networking Tips for New klasses6 Job Networking Tips for New Grads6 Job Networking Tips for New GradsThis post was contributed by New Grad Life, a website dedicated to providing free resources to recent college graduates or soon-to-be grads for job hunting, resume and interview help, networking tips, money management, and more.Job networking events are often intimidating for college students and graduates. But they dont have to be These job seekers can use networking events to meet prospective employers and show them what they can do as employees.The key to succeeding at a networking event is to know what to say to company representatives and how to say it. Here are six networking tips for new or recent grads1. Show passion for the industry and company.New grads normally dont have much relevant work experience, but they can impress potential employers by demonstrating a passion for the company and its industry. The following are crucial pieces of information college grads shoul d research to impress employers a)The top 3 companies in the industry (Its always helpful to know the competitors) b)The companys strengths and weaknesses c)The companys vision and values d)Industry trends (social, economic, etc.)2. Show interest in the person youre talking to.Company representatives respect sincerity and will open up as job seekers ask questions. Most people are happy to talk about themselves (such as what they do for a living and how they got involved with the company), so college grads should show genuine interest in the person theyre speaking with. Listen attentively and ask follow-up questions in other words, aim for a real conversation.3. Brand yourself with an elevator speech.Create a brief 30-second speech to project a personal brand that sets you apart from other recent graduates who are seeking the saatkorn kind of job. If you havent had a corporate job yet, it will be hard to come up with a title for yourself, so focus on your skills and recent experien ce.4. Be clear about your short-term and long-term career goals.Its very important for entry-level job seekers to know the field and industry they want to get into. A good formula for articulating your career goals is to state the position youre looking for, your skills, and the qualities you look for in a company. An example would beIm interested in a marketing coordinator position, because I can immediately use my creativity and communications skills to assist the team, while getting exposure to a wider range of marketing initiatives that will prepare me to make even greater contributions down the road.5. Dont ask for a job theyll ask you.Your ultimate goal in attending networking events as a recent college grad may be to get a job, but you should never flat-out ask someone to offer you one. Instead, asking questions about the employer, showing knowledge about the industry and company, and talking about personal skills and qualifications will yield the best results. After that, as k for advice on how to break into the industry. Most people will be kind enough to offer insightful advice. But company reps who like you and believe there could be a job for you somewhere in the firm may even offer to be your referral.6. Networking is a two-way street show how you can help them.Job seekers who research prospective employers not only discover company weaknesses, but may also find opportunities theyre failing to realize. If a company is not heavily involved with social media, needs a fresh idea to reach a new target market, or has other problems, think of potential solutions you can offer during the networking event. Giving free advice to employers solidifies your stellung as a strong applicant and makes you look less like someone whos just out to get a job without bothering to help others in return.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Facts, Fiction and Virtual Assistant Resume

Facts, Fiction and Virtual Assistant Resume You need to be in a sttte to set your own work schedule, dependent on client wants and stay with it. An applicant who doesnt necessarily have to be employed but has the access of their time to work flexibly, is thought to be a freelancer work. For those who have a great deal of experience with freelance work and internet jobs, utilize the resume career summary. Additionally, it proves that youre a skilled and youre serious about your work. The very belastung thing you wish to do is send over content to a client thats riddled with errors. So use the first interactions not just to gauge overall ability, yet to find a person who complements your abilities and brings something additional to the table that you might be lacking. Ask that person if its possible to assist with a project or two, free of charge. For instance, you can decide what sort of businesses you would like to work for, and what sort of work you wish to do. Virtual Assistant Resume No Longer a Mystery Regularly be certain your website is updated with your present services, rates, testimonials etc.. If you wish to learn how to construct your own WordPress website (in just a single afternoon), then consider my Beginners WordPress website class. Possessing a site will aid your company in the very long run, therefore its important to have one that appeals to prospects. Post your resume online on sites including The Debate Over Virtual Assistant Resume You will have to know key personnel (external and internal) and understand the targets and aims of the organization. Virtual assistants perform a wide array of tasks in reality, the services you can offer are endless and all depend on your background training, experience, and abilities. With a variety of expertise, they can handle almost any administrative project. Be ready to reveal your experience or training. Read below to find out more on what virtual assistants do , the advantages and disadvantages of the job, and data about how to develop into a digital assistant. A digital assistant resume needs to demonstrate the employer that you will be able to perform various tasks remotely as well like you were there in person. Employed as he doesnt require you to have certain credentials and qualifications. For he resume, you will need to make sure that you write relevant content and skills. So, you cant understand what types of jobs could possibly be available at any certain time. Virtual assistants also have the choice to bring a short about description to supply more info on themselves. They can generally work for multiple companies at once. To put it simply, a digital assistant gives helfende hand services from a remote site. You will also have to be organized and detail-oriented. Additional sections on a digital assistant resume permit you to show more scope and professionalism in merely a few more lines. Virtual Assistant Resume Hel p If youre prepared to make the move to a digital office, visit the next page to learn about training. If you do list your references, ensure youve checked and double-checked they will provide you a great review and that theyll be accessible by phone or email. Because team member time is recorded inside your account you dont should wait around for invoices from team members to be able to invoice your customers. Browse some other relevant resumes below and discover your inspiration. Research the company that youre applying for If you are searching for a work at home position and youve got administrative, accounting, organization, or technical experience, a digital assistant (VA) job could possibly be proper for you. One of the greatest strategies to be a digital assistant (even when you have absolutely zero experience) is to begin your own VA services. Its possible to start looking for VA jobs that require your distinct skill sets. You also require the proper equipment in yo ur house office. You will have to be extremely well-rounded in handling administrative work. You will need to reveal the most suitable skills. Youre going to be working from the comfort of your house and may have your own hours also. The Virtual Assistant Resume Trap Sellers might have their own websites or use a mix of popular platforms. Digital Staff Finder has a lot of experience working with small, medium, and massive businesses. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Virtual Assistant Resume At least five decades of its the standard, which creates a digital assistant best qualified for some job. 365 Virtual Assistant utilizes a rigorous selection procedure to come across the perfect digital assistant for your companys needs. In other words, sell your digital assistant resume smartly.Your resume for a digital assistant position is a window into the huge world of employment, and its your choice to be certain that you open it all of the way. When a job is given by means of a hiring manager its always beneficial to reply with your comprehension of the job. You are going to want the same quantity of skills in a digital assistant that youd need in a personal assistant. You know you want the appropriate team that will help you succeed and youre prepared to take steps (in the proper direction). The Benefits of Virtual Assistant Resume You ought to have the ability to keep everything organized on the job and in their personal lives. There are lots of posts that were written focusing on several different facets of productivity they vary from checking email at specific times of the day, working in 90 minute blocks to maximize your private energy, delegating to virtual assistants, and everything between. Bear in mind, it is going to take hard work. Working in different time zones isnt an issue but something you should understand and get used to. The Upside to Virtual Assistant Resume In fact, you will likely need a more powerful set of skills for hi m because you wont have the chance to train him in the physical sense. You must be able to remain focused on work in your house environment. So all of your experience sounds impressive, but they will need to understand how you will help them. You ought to get a good awareness of company culture.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Writing a Simple Resume for Special Education Students and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Writing a Simple Resume for Special Education Students and Why You Must Take Action Today Heres What I Know About Writing a Simple Resume for Special Education Students All you have to do is to askoranvers that the content of your education resume is applicable to be utilised in the work position that youd like to have. If you intend to compose a resume as you want to know more about work, its important and necessary to know first what makes up a resume. Individualize each resume to fit the particular job, along with the school. As soon as it is widely known that it is simpler to get work in special education because its specialized, schools dont want to employ those who have selected the profession simply because there were strong job prospects. Centered on top of your resume, you should place your name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number. Its fast and simple to use. Once students receive their resume back, they ought t o have the time to edit their resume based on the advice of their peers. When many students might just be drafting a resume they havent any intention of using immediately, its helpful to make them imagine who might be the recipient of their resume. Writing a Simple Resume for Special Education Students - Overview Writing a resume is part of business writing. Last, you might opt to include your references as a piece of your resume. Before you commence writing your resume, make sure that you are in possession of a very good collection of references that will offer you rave reviews. Think about including a resume summary at the peak of your resume. Our curriculum is intended to permit learners to commence speaking swahili with those they encounter from the very first moment. Before you are able to be part of an academic institution, you should first impress a board of panelists that will evaluate your capabilities in teaching and supply the requirements of students. Its defin itely well worth it to introduce your students to this exceptional and important endeavor Its never too early to assist students learn to compose a resume. Resourceful and creative in regards to lesson plans. A curriculum often is composed of guide for educators to teach content and techniques. Before making your education resume, you first will need to possess the competencies and qualifications that are essential for the business. Conducted lessons for key groups to better their standardized testing abilities. The Supreme Strategy for Writing a Simple Resume for Special Education Students Its important to not forget your resume is the next thing a prospective employer sees following your cover letter. A few of the guidelines which you could follow in writing an education resume are given below. Include it resume section towards the top of your document. Include it resume section towards the top of your document, so it is one of the first things an employer sees.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Productivity Why making to-do lists wont help you get things done

Productivity Why making to-do lists wont help you get things doneProductivity Why making to-do lists wont help you get things doneIve helped thousands of people?- ?from NFL coaches and four star generals to best-selling authors and hedge fund managers? - ?feel less busy and get more done. I get asked for advice on improving productivity so much so that Ive packaged most of it into an online seminar that I call Insanely More Productive.Today, I want to share one of the biggest secrets Ive discovered. Its the secret to some of the most productive people I know and its non-intuitive.Successful people dont make to-do listsI know that sounds crazy, but its true.Most of us who use a to-do list take out a sheet of paper and write out what we want to do, say on Saturday.Thats horrible. And the listkeeps growing and growing because the rate at which people say yes to new things is not exceeded by the rate at which they get things done.To-do listsmake it easy - and thats a bad thingBecause its so simple to add things, these lists tend to grow and grow. Even worse, they encourage our default to be yes instead of no. Because its easy to say yes, thats what we do.Its no wonder we feel stressed and full of anxiety.The real value in life comes from saying no.To help you say no, you need some friction. The solution to the to-do list problem is actually pretty simple.You have to make one change schedule itIf you need to pick up groceries, schedule it. Saturday morning at 10 a.m. In your calendar, keep a list of the groceries you need under that block of time.Thats how the most successful people use lists under a specific time block.Want to spend a date night with your spouse or partner? Schedule it. And if youre smart, youll set this one to recurring weekly.Want to set aside time for that project you never seem to get around to? Schedule it, and youll find yourself actually doing it instead of talking about it.Why scheduling works so wellWhen you schedule things, you are for ced to verstndigung im strafverfahren with the fact that there are only so many hours in a week. Youre forced to make choices rather than add something to a never ending to-do list that only becomes a source of anxiety.And you cant just schedule important work and creative stuff. You need to schedule time for rest and recovery and mundane things like email.Scheduling things also creates a visual feedback mechanism for how you actually spend your time ? - ?something were intentionally blind to because we wont like what we see.Being more productive isnt always about doing more. Its about being more conscious about what you work on and putting your energy into the two or three things that will really make a difference.Of course this is only part of the solution.This article originally appeared on Medium.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Write a Congratulations Note to a Colleague

How to Write a Congratulations Note to a ColleagueHow to Write a Congratulations Note to a ColleagueWhen a colleague or friend has done a good job, it is thoughtful to send them a congratulations note. This can be a letter, an email, or a card. Here is an example of a congratulations note to send to someone who you believe should be acknowledged for a job well done. Personal Job Well Done Congratulations Note Dear Name,I heard that you just closed on the Mansion on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street. I know that it had been on the market for three years, so congratulations for closing the deal.I know you spent a lot of time with the sellers, working with them to make the property more appealing. Your patience and persistence finally paid off. I am so happy for you.Bravo for a job well done.Best regards,Your Name Expand Elements to Include in a Congratulations Note You should always include your full name, address, email address, and phone number.Even if you knowthe part fa irly well, people lose things, address books get misplaced, and people change their email address more often then youd think. This way you are assured that your friend or colleague has your current contact information. If youre IT savvy, go ahead and share your social media handles and website address. Be specific about the job you are congratulating the person for, as well as the qualities that you recognize as contributing to their success. Its best to avoid attempts at humor. It usually doesnt translate well. Just let your thoughtful congratulations stand for itself. If you feel more than a card is needed, consider sending flowers, balloons, candy, or another common celebratory item. If you are congratulating someone in the workplace, especially if you are in a position of importance, also consider sending a copy of the letter, or email, to the persons supervisor. Saying Congratulations Again It is perfectly acceptable to send congratulations both by email, or a text, and the n follow up with a hard copy letter or card which is more permanent. When it comes to recognizing someones value, you cant say congratulations too often. If the person you congratulated has another success or accomplishment, you can send them another congratulations letter. Be sure to update your contact information. When to Send Congratulations Messages It is common courtesy to recognize a job well done. It can motivate people to congratulate them beyond a simple emoji thumbs up via social media. You never know when someone will be in a position to recommend you for a promotion, give you a job lead, or help you nab a new client. Maintaining a positive relationship with colleagues (and friends) can pay off in the future, in addition to making them (and you) feel good. And you shouldnt discount friends. Friends will always help you in a pinch and may also be able to advance your career with a new business lead or contact. Here are a variety of examples of congratulation notes to use to acknowledge a promotion and other employment-related accomplishments.Consider these letter samples your stash if you need help with any business correspondence including cover letters, interview thank you letters, follow-up letters, job acceptance, and rejection letters, resignation letters, appreciation letters, and letters to help you get a job interview.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

4 Musts for Finding Paralegal Jobs Quickly

4 Musts for Finding Paralegal Jobs Quickly4 Musts for Finding Paralegal Jobs QuicklyIf you need to move on to a new paralegal job, you dont want to waste time.With paralegal jobs evolving to include aspects previously considered part of the attorney role or being redefined as blended paralegal/legal secretary positions, it can be hard to know where to start.Here are four tips that can greatly increase your chances of getting hired as a paralegal while expanding your professional contacts in the process1. Network, network, network.Paralegal411s Advice for Getting Hired as a Paralegal lists networking as the best way to land paralegal jobs. You can build your network by joining and volunteering or participating on a committee at your local paralegal association. You can find a list of paralegal associations by state on the National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA) website. Most local paralegal associations include automatic NFPA membership. Besides the networking benefits, o ther advantages include discounts on annual conventions and joint conferences, and a subscription to the National Paralegal Reporter.2. Work your social networks.Most paralegals are strong writers, but these days composition and grammar skills are not enough - you also need to think about keywords. These are critical when you prepare your profile on social media. If your profile doesnt rank highly enough in hiring managers search results, no one will spot your profile on LinkedIn or your resume on a job board. If you have experience in a particular type of law, be sure to emphasize keywords specific to that area.Youll want to integrate these words throughout your LinkedIn profile - in your summary, job descriptions and skills section. Also, look online for current paralegal job openings and add terms that apply to you. Finally, if you have skills in litigation, be sure to emphasize them. Lawyers responding to a recent Robert Half Legal survey predicted litigation would be the larg est expected source of new job opportunities for the first half of 2015, and theres no reason to expect that trend to subside throughout the rest of the year.3. Work with a recruiter.Specialized legal staffing firms can connect you with potential employers, training, current job market information and even opportunities for accredited continuing legal education (CLE). Be sure to explore the wide range of free resources some of these legal recruiters offer.4. Build your experience.Volunteering at nonprofits can help you increase your depth of knowledge and add impact to your paralegal resume. Since nonprofits are notoriously understaffed, you might take on projects you ordinarily wouldnt handle. What could be better than a chance to effect positive change in your community and in your own career at the same time? The ABAs National Pro Bono Opportunities Guide lists volunteer opportunities by location. Click your state to view nearby pro bono options and look for organizations listing paralegals.The less time you spend between jobs the better. By leveraging these best practices, you can reduce the time spent searching for paralegal jobs and get hired sooner rather than later.Have advice for finding paralegal jobs quickly? Share it in the comments section.